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1. Sorry (not sorry) but I love the Paul Graham shade.

2. Your bit about campus life and how it's changing, college kids are drinking less, and NYU isn't held back by having a real campus, reminded me of this:

"Americans only love the college experience because it's the only time in their lives they live in walkable communities" "Walkable communities breed community, so it's the only time in their lives they realize what community is about, then move back to their suburbs living half an hour from their nearest friend" https://twitter.com/Bro_Neill/status/1348355127216910336

NYU doesn't need a "real campus" because "real" campuses can be thought of as miniature urban communities. You could be right, and the decline in partying means Campus Life is less important, but looked at another way, maybe the partying wasn't the important part to begin with, it's just the noisy and visible part. I don't think this undermines your overall point, but I do think the physical environment of the campus influences the relationships that form which is the foundation of the post-college networking experience.

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